Case Study: Suffolk Life – Interactive Roadshow

Suffolk Life Logo - Case Study ImageEstablished in 1971, Suffolk Life is one of the UK’s leading providers of self-invested personal pensions (or SIPPs), managing over 3,600 properties for more than 5,400 investors.

When Suffolk Life launched their “Why SIPP it?” campaign, which delivered thought-leadership to financial advisers across UK, it aimed to provide an overview of the SIPP market, a technical update and a commercial property masterclass. Over a three-week period, the roadshow made six appearances at five venues, reaching out to a total of 175 attendees. CLiKAPAD was asked to be involved from the early planning stages, so that we could help make sure that the voting system was integrated in the most seamless way possible.

Over the course of the roadshow, our handsets were used in three ways. Firstly, we used the voting keypads to effectively gauge audience responses as each topic was being discussed. We were also able to track keypads to individual attendees so that they could use them to make specific requests about the materials they wanted to receive post-event. Finally, we also implemented a short, anonymous feedback survey at the end of each seminar to make is easier for the Suffolk Life team to plan future events.

Claire Fazio, Marketing Manager, was delighted with the impact our system had, saying “feedback from attendees was extremely positive and they liked the interactive element of the roadshow, which brought added discussion and engagement into the event. The keypads were easy to use and due to pre-event planning we managed to combine educational content with a fun element.

“CLiKAPAD’s involvement at each stage of planning, delivery and post-event ensured that we maximised the interactive experience for attendees in a way that was relevant to the content. Their professional approach onsite working with us and other suppliers meant that the event was delivered seamlessly with the voting system becoming an integral part of the event. Their post-event support also ensured that we had good quality data to work with as a result of the CLiKAPAD technology”.

In addition to planning, we created a variety of customised slide designs for Suffolk Life to use during the event, giving their brand prominence. At the end of each event, we provided all of the audience responses in Excel and PowerPoint format so that it could be easily accessed and shared across Suffolk Life and their partners later.

Having had experience with all kinds of events and scenarios, we were happy to provide an on-site service to help Suffolk Life keep the event running smoothly. Our goal is always to help our clients deliver a professional, high-quality presentation and we were pleased that the team at Suffolk Life felt the event boosted their attendees’ perception of their brand.

If you have an upcoming presentation or training session and would like more information about how CLiKAPAD can make it more fun, engaging and memorable, call us today.