ppvote Professional

Enhance your PowerPoint slide-show beyond simple voting and bring your event alive! With Auto Launch Votes your slide-show becomes a presentation automatically loading the question slides as and when you get to them in your show, simplicity itself!

Ask your audience a series of questions or get their reactions to a set of statements, perhaps a staff or customer survey. Display results when you want them now or later. InstaQ enables additional voting questions to be added ‘off the cuff’ whilst running a PowerPoint presentation. There is no need to exit your presentation or make the audience wait while you compose new interactive slides. With InstaQ-Rapid you can present off the cuff generic questions or statements and respond instantly without the need to take time creating questions!

Add a quiz to your presentation to test knowledge, assess understanding and information retention. With ppvoteprofessional you can deliver keypad numbers or individual names as winners onto the large screen or to a report. Quiz results can be by team or individual so whether for fun or competency testing you can check their scores.

For a team result, define your own team names and dynamically allocate keypads by simply asking: e.g. Are you in the: 1. Red, 2. Blue, 3. Green team?

Then have the winning teams displayed instantly on screen. You define which of the questions belong in the quiz, how many teams you wish to display and what style of presentation to use.

Why not Rate a number of options and present an average graph to show clearly the top choices, then ZOOM in to look at the distribution graphs? Perhaps you would like to prioritize projects, budgets, or strategies to implement by asking the team to pick their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice using sequence vote?

Publish the Results

You can quickly produce a copy of your presentation with the audience responses inserted and this can be viewed by anyone with standard PowerPoint, they do not need to have the software installed.

ppvoteprofessional comes with integrated compression software that takes care of backing up your PowerPoint presentation onto your network or removable media. What’s more, it restores the presentation in exactly the same way on another machine that has ppvote installed.

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