
How a Single Question Can Help Shape your Presentation (Part 1 of 2)

Sometimes, numbers speak louder than words. Using questions and quick polls as part of a seminar or presentation can be a powerful way to put your message across and make your delegates sit up and take notice. Have you ever gone into a presentation with a preconceived notion, only to come out with a complete change of mind? A simple CLiKAPAD clicker system poll is a clever tool to get everyone thinking from the off.

So what can be done to use these polls, these questions to your best advantage? We’ll look into this in two main parts.

What is the point of asking a specific question? Your presentation needs to have a clear objective that you will want to have achieved by the end of it. Have a strategy of where you want to go with it and the points you want to get across.

People will attend seminars in the hope of learning something – so what knowledge is it that you want to impart? Bear this in mind when devising your audience question.

For example if your aim is to get your audience thinking more on the effects of social media and how it can affect their business, your questions will need to lead to this. Questions such as “Do you think it is important for a company to have a social media Account?” and “Who believes that social media has a direct effect on the success of one’s business?” will help to provide you with the material needed to take your presentation in a certain direction.

Audience Involvement and Word Choice

The word choice of your initial question is crucial. Phrasing should be short and punchy, simple yet thought provoking. Grab and keep your audience’s attention. Make it easy for them to understand the question without using overcomplicated vocabulary. Rather than asking ‘Does the proliferation of social media platforms in today’s business environment have any positive bearing on commercial successes? keep it short, simple and unambiguous: ‘Does social media play an important part in making your business successful?’

By choosing the right sort of wording for your presentation and putting it across in a clear and concise manner, you can minimise the amount of time spent dithering over potentially confusing questions. Remember that you want to get quick and useful information from your participants without much fuss.

Check back with CLiKAPAD’s next blog post later on this month for more information and advice on choosing the ideal question for your presentation.