
How to hold a successful office Christmas quiz

CLiKAPAD Audience Response Systems (ARS) are often used in complex decision-making processes and important training workshops (just see some of our recent case studies). However, every now and then we get to use them purely for fun.

Hosting a festive office party is a great way to wind down the year and let your employees and colleagues relax a little. There’s no harm in a little friendly competition, too – which is exactly where an ARS comes in. Organising a quiz is so much easier (with all kinds of creative possibilities) when you can equip contestants and teams with fast-response handsets.

Need some tips? Here’s our quick guide.

  1. Give each player their own clicker keypad or hand one out to each team.
  2. Use a PowerPoint presentation to display questions.
  3. Incorporate various types of question, such as “fastest finger first” and multiple choice.
  4. Responses are submitted using the wireless handsets
  5. Once all answers are in, the results can be displayed in the presentation to show how everyone has voted.
  6. You reveal the answer and teams can have a good-natured laugh at how well (or badly) each other have done.

An ARS keeps things flowing as the quick reveal of answers eliminates the need for manual scoring. It also makes it easier to conduct tie-breakers and dead-heat rounds, as the responses are accurately timed. Incorporate bonus points for consecutive correct answers or a joke prize for the team that’s consistently slowest to answer.

If you’re interested in making a CLiKAPAD Audience Response System a feature of your upcoming office party, get in touch. We’d be delighted to hear from you.